A Reliable Mechanic Service
Experienced mechanics specialising in brake and clutch repairs
Are you looking for highly skilled and experienced mechanics to fix the clutch problems and brake issues in your vehicle? Contact the team at Automotion today to find out more details.

Affordable vehicle care services in West Sussex
If you need to repair your clutch and brake systems, the team at Automotion can help. With a wealth of experience in the business, we have an excellent reputation in and around Worthing and West Sussex by providing top-quality vehicle care services at highly competitive prices. From replacing clutch systems to fitting a set of new brake pads, we do it all. Contact our team today for further enquiries or to find out more.

We offer:

Exhaust fitting experts
Are you experiencing problems with your vehicle’s exhaust system? Contact the team of experts at Automotion to help you out. Our experienced mechanics have the experience and the expertise to replace and fix exhausts. Visit our workshop in Worthing today to take advantage of our services.